
After the fall, Her great city wasn’t able to help everyone who lived in it. Most of them left it in search of food nearby for their families. When they all left so did our ideas of all being Shadar-Kai. More and more the rare traveler is met with suspicion (however, they still won’t be turned away from shelter). There are even rumors of some groups of people no longer worshipping the Her but those are mostly told at night to scare people.

In my settlement, the constant need to look for food and building supplies means we can’t make buildings that leave the ground like in the capitol. But we know She will one day bring back the prosperity we once knew.

Food is hard to find in the dark, rocky land.  Aside from the Fellmatine, which takes up the whole sky, the plants are all little bushes.  Some of them have food we can gather.  I remember that there used to be little animals, too, but we don’t see them anymore.  The only ones we see anymore are Her birds flying in the sky with the black smoke falling from their wings as they move.

Building supplies are easier to find because of the rocks and stones that choke out most of the plants.  My family is unique in the area in that we can turn these rocks and stones into metal tools that help build things.  People will bring us food and other supplies for these tools, so we are the only family in the area that does not need to spend time looking for food.  Instead, I spend my time helping father gather the stones and materials in giant metal tubs on wheels.  We take these materials back to mother who is the one who makes the tools.  Whenever she makes a new type of tool we make sure to demonstrate to everyone how it may be used so they know they can trade for one if they want.

The one thing we have never shown anyone are my trance visions.  For as long as I can remember I have felt the oncoming destruction of the Shadowfell and everyone in it.  These feelings by themselves are not rare but my visions include Her.  This is the part we keep hidden from everyone; how can we even think a god could be destroyed?  But the longer they go on the more I believe them.  I do not want this to happen, so I have determined to find a way to stop the oncoming doom.

There were always rumors quietly whispered in the surrounding settlements of a powerful entity that could grant powers that echoed the Hers. It took a long time, but I was finally able to find this entity, the Tremulous Hand. The Hand offered a deal: I would receive extraordinary powers and in return would need to repay the debt when the Hand saw fit. The last thing I requested was to be transported to the Material Plane so she can collect memories in the form of trinkets for the Queen. More memories will mean She is stronger. And this will help ensure that She is able to defeat the oncoming doom.

Once I have more trinkets than I can carry, I will return to Shadowfell. I will walk into the abandoned city. I will find my Queen and deliver the memories to make Her as strong as possible.